Trips I’ve Taken So Far On My Year Abroad 

By Georgia Renshaw

Trips I’ve Taken So Far On My Year Abroad 

Completing a year abroad is undeniably an intimidating experience, however, it also offers you the opportunity to explore different countries, meet new people, and immerse yourself into unique cultures. Despite the constraints of working full-time as a marketing intern and only having 11 days of personal leave – I made it my mission to travel to a variety of destinations whilst living in Spain, and I hope that this blog will inspire you to do the same on your year abroad. 


Since I am doing a degree in Spanish and Italian, it was only right that I organised a trip to Italy, so after receiving my TIE, which allows you to leave and re-enter Spain without any legal issues, I booked a trip to Milan. 

Originally, this was going to be a solo weekend away, however my friend had recently returned back to the UK after travelling around Australia for a few months, so we decided it would be the perfect place to meet up and have a long overdue catchup. 

Whilst in Milan we did so many incredible things – climbed up to the Duomo’s Terraces, walked through the Galleria Vittoria Emanuele II, ate some of the best pizza I’ve ever had in my life, and so much more! We also spent a day at Lake Como, which was simply breathtaking, and has been on my list of places to go for a long time. 

With my personal leave being so scarce, I opted to fly out right after work on Friday and return late on Sunday evening. Despite feeling exhausted at work on Monday, this approach allowed me to avoid taking any time off! 


In my previous blog post, I mentioned that I really wanted to visit Morocco during my year abroad, given its close proximity to Barcelona with just a 2-hour and 35-minute flight. So, after visiting Milan, I decided to book my flights to Marrakesh, which I managed to coincide with 2 bank holidays and a weekend, thereby requiring only one day off from work.

The trip was 5 days long and it was honestly one of the best times of my life. Upon arrival in Marrakesh, my friends and I were immediately immersed into the city’s vibrant atmosphere, which massively differed to life in England. One notable culture shock was the remarkably low cost of living; we were able to dine at amazing restaurants for as little as 5€. It was also completely normal to haggle at the markets, which was crazy to us as everything was already at an affordable price.

Dinner overlooking Jemaa el-Fnaa

The following day involved us travelling to the Atlas Mountains. Venturing through local villages, visiting numerous family businesses, and immersing ourselves in Moroccan traditions, which enriched our understanding of the country’s rich cultural tapestry. Our journey led us to Ait Ben Haddou, a UNESCO World Heritage Site nestled between Marrakesh and the Sahara Desert – a breathtaking village made entirely from clay! After a long day of travelling we got some rest at a traditional riad in the mountains, before another early start.

Exploring Ait Ben Haddou

Our exploration continued, unveiling even more beautiful destinations in Morocco, with one of my favourites being Todra Gorge. This hidden gem was confined within the Atlas Mountains and had canyon walls that were higher than the Empire State Building. This natural marvel was truly beautiful, and energised us for the long journey to the Sahara Desert. 

Todra Gorge

Once we reached the Sahara Desert, we were each given a camel for our journey through the golden sands. After travelling for approximately 40 minutes, we decided to break up the journey and do some sandboarding amidst the breathtaking sand dunes. This part of our trip was truly remarkable; perched atop the dunes, we witnessed the sunset – a memory I will never forget! As the sun dipped below the horizon, the temperature began to drop, so we continued our journey through the desert until finally arriving at our campsite. Undoubtedly, this day was the highlight of our trip, offering a rare and unforgettable experience of sleeping beneath the stars in the Sahara Desert.

The Sahara Desert

The next day was our final proper day and we were determined to seize every moment, therefore we decided to wake up at 4 a.m so that we could reach the sand dunes in time for sunrise. Despite being extremely tired, the breathtaking views made it all worthwhile. The remainder of the day was dedicated to our journey back to Marrakesh, where we sought much-needed rest before boarding our flight the following morning back to Barcelona.

Sunrise in the Sahara 

This trip surpassed all my expectations and provided a once-in-a lifetime experience that I’ll always remember. Additionally, during the trip, we met numerous people, many of whom are also studying in Barcelona. Since returning, we have made sure to meet up numerous times.


While living in Barcelona, exploring Spain’s culture held as much significance for me as exploring other countries. Therefore, I made it a priority to visit numerous towns and cities, both near and far from Barcelona.

One of my favourite trips in Spain was to a nearby town located just 30-minutes away from Barcelona, called Sitges. My friends and I visited this seaside town during its annual Carnival, and it was incredible! The locals were singing and dancing until 7am and it was amazing to experience such a lively festival!

Sitges Carnival

Another highlight was my trip to Valencia during its vibrant Las Fallas festival, a celebration marking the arrival of Spring. En route to Valencia, we also made sure to explore the quaint seaside village of Peñiscola as well. 


Additionally, I was also able to visit one of my friends who is currently completing her year abroad in Malaga. From delving into the history of Alcabaza fortress to admiring the masterpieces at the Picasso Museum, and savouring the flavours of Andalusian cuisine, every experience in Malaga was truly extraordinary.

I hope this blog demonstrates that despite not having the same holidays as those studying at a university, you can still make the most of being abroad and explore a multitude of destinations!

Author: uosglobalopps

Providing Global Opportunities at The University of Sheffield for over 30 years. 🌍 Always ready to improve our accessibility, diversity and opportunities.

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