Study abroad is so much more than studying!

By Grace Lenihan

Hi, my name is Grace and I’m a third-year chemistry student currently on exchange at McMaster, Canada. I have finished my first semester and I’m eager to start my second. I have experienced so much since being here and honestly this kind of opportunity is a once in a lifetime that I believe everyone should take!

So far this year I have managed to go on residentials to Algonquin National Park and many individual trips too including Banff, New York and even The Bahamas! (look at photos below)

I have managed to do all this, maintain good grades, and meet some incredible people who I will stay friends with forever. You get the chance to pretty cheaply go to places you would never really get the chance to go if you were back in the UK. Also, having things planned and making the most of your study abroad really helps with the homesickness- which honestly (I love my family) but I only really felt maybe once or twice. 

It’s so important to see this year as an experience to learn and connect with people but also to travel and experience a different culture and lifestyle as this is just as important to your development as an adult and a young professional as quantum mechanics is.

Tip- Make sure to work and save as much as you can the summer before coming so you have plenty of spending money. 

A person standing on a rocky shore next to a canoe

Description automatically generatedA sunset in the woods

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This was a 3-day canoe trip with the university outdoor club which was physically challenging but incredibly rewarding! We cooked our own food and camped in the Canadian wilderness which was truly epic! GO ON THIS TRIP if you can as you will not regret it. 

A person sitting on a rock by a lake

Description automatically generatedA lake surrounded by trees and mountains

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This was the most beautiful place I have ever seen. My breath was taken away on every hike. These are photos from Lake Louise and the Big Beehive hike. 

New York

A person standing on a ledge with a city in the background Description automatically generatedA person standing in front of a decorated tree Description automatically generated

I mean New York doesn’t really need an introduction… it was amazing. You could get here easily from McMaster (by plane or overnight coach) and this trip really got us in the Xmas mood. We saw all the main sights and will be an experience to remember.

The Bahamas

A person standing under a star shaped light display Description automatically generatedA person walking on a beach Description automatically generated

Christmas on the beach was strange but wonderful. I would swap white sand for white snow any day! When else would you get to do this for an affordable price? If you get to go, make sure you don’t miss Junkanoo on Boxing Day!